• Klarer Himmel
  • 25 / 26°C
    Jul, 8. 2024


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Flood prevention

Would you like to help shape the city's new flood and heavy rain prevention concept? Workshops are currently being held for the various districts.

Bildrechte: © herzlich digital

A guest in your own city

Following the very good response in the two previous years, there will also be an edition of the successful joint marketing campaign 'Guest in your own city' in 2022.

Bildrechte: © Anna Wojtas

July 7 - 6:00 pm

Lautrer summer evenings

Winding down the day in the city in a relaxed concert atmosphere on a deck chair? From June 9, that's possible at the 'Lautrer Summer Evenings'.

Bild: Der erste Lautrer Sommerabend wurde gestern Abend von Bürgermeisterin Beate Kimmel eröffnet. Zu Gast auf dem St.Martinsplatz war das Duo 'The Red Couch' aus Zweibrücken, Pepe Pirmann und Markus Wille. (Fast pünktlich) zum Beginn wurde auch das Wetter besser.

Bildrechte: © Stadt Kaiserslautern




Bild: Besprechung im Krimiteam um Christina Bacher

Bildrechte: © Stadt Kaiserslautern

News from Kaiserslautern (Only available in German translation)

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Events in Kaiserslautern (Only available in German translation)

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City Topics

  • Census 2022

    Current population figures 2022

Census 2022

In 2022, Germany will once again be conducting a census in which the current population figures will be recorded. For more information and how you can help us with the census, please visit our:

Topic page: Census 2022