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Pressemitteilung vom 07.11.2012

New school project between Kaiserslautern and Silkeborg

Kaiserslautern steering group taking home confirmation of a
Silkeborg School to cooperate with the Grundschule Fischerrück

The first joint project, the twinned towns of Kaiserslautern and Silkeborg (Denmark) had been working on, was called “Building Bridges”. Testing better opportunities for children with a migration background was the project goal.
Continuing the successful mutual cooperation, a steering group meeting was held in Silkeborg from 1 to 4 November 2012 in the framework of the subsequent project, named “Crossing Bridges”.
Taking this opportunity, the participants additionally discussed the possibilities of working together on a joint school partnership. There are European Union funding programmes for those projects too.
“We have been highly successful” Peter Krietemeyer, head of the department of schools and Comenius Regio coordinator reported delightedly “because the head teacher of Kragelund Skole in Silkeborg, Vibeke Holm Gaden, confirmed her willingness to join the school partnership project. “

The Grundschule Fischerrück will be the Kaiserslautern cooperation partner. “We have been successful for years, working in Comenius projects on school level” Louise Glendye, a teacher at the primary school comments. “And we are looking forward to the pleasure of cooperating particularly with this new partner coming from our twinned town. Rainer Blasius, project coordinator, explains “Now 12 school partners coming from 11 European countries are meeting in the framework of this project. The joint success is definitely worth the high workload related to our activities. According to Blasius many of the Kaiserslautern students benefit from this cooperation and highly enjoy participating.


Autor/in: Pressestelle

Kaiserslautern, 07.11.2012